
2021年6月13日—Heyeveryone.IamusingaDrayTek2762acandforthelifeofmeIcan'tgetstaticroutestowork.ThismeansIcan'taccessanystatistics ...,2022年5月17日—HowtoconfigureLANtoLANStaticRouteusingDrayTekRouters·1.Assign192.168.30.1subnettoPort1.a.GotoLAN>>GeneralSetup,click ...,...StaticRoutefunctioninstead.ToconfigureRoutePolicy,gotoRouting>>LoadBalance/RoutePolicy.Thefollowingimageisascreen-...

Can't get static routes to work with a DrayTek

2021年6月13日 — Hey everyone. I am using a DrayTek 2762ac and for the life of me I can't get static routes to work. This means I can't access any statistics ...

How to configure LAN to LAN Static Route using DrayTek ...

2022年5月17日 — How to configure LAN to LAN Static Route using DrayTek Routers · 1. Assign subnet to Port 1. a. Go to LAN>>General Setup, click ...

Introduction to Route Policy

... Static Route function instead. To configure Route Policy, go to Routing >> Load Balance/Route Policy. The following image is a screen-shot of Route policy list.

Routing Fundamentals

Static routing is the routing information manually added by the network administrator. It can give the router information about the network which it can reach ...

Static Route Setup

Static routes in your Vigor router provide a quick and effective way to route data ... Click Static Route Setup > View Routing Table to verify the current.

Static routes on DrayTek routers

2019年6月27日 — This article will show how to configure static routes on DrayTek routers and failover to the alternate WAN connection. The Fix.

Vigor Route Mode 和NAT Mode 使用方法

組態. 指定路由表static route. 都往Vigor 2926 Wan ip 丟. Vigor2926 Wan 1 的設定. 切好vlan. Lan 1 做NAP. Lan 2 / 3 / 4 做Route Mode. Lan 1 限做NAT ...

Vigor Static Routes

A router's primary purpose is to route IP traffic between two distinct logical IP subnets. In the case of a simple Vigor router installation, ...

What to do when an Undesired route is added after VPN is up

2023年8月11日 — When the VPN server assigns a Static IP to the VPN client, the “Disable Class based route addition” option needs to be unchecked. If it is not ...